sponsorship levels
Quarter page ad in playbill (B&W)
Social media post thanking you
6 tickets to any production (must be chosen in advance, can be divided between shows)
Dress Rehearsal
$400 - 599
Business card in all playbills (color)
4 tickets to any production (must be chosen in advance, can be divided between shows)
$250 - 399
Base level
Business card in all playbills (B&W)
2 tickets to any production (must be chosen in advance, can be divided between shows)
$100 - 249
Exclusive opportunity
Full page ad in all playbills
Billing on front page of playbill
Mentioned in all curtain speeches
Mentioned in all radio, social media, & tv ads
Logo placement on all posters and signs
Social media post thanking you
Logo placement and direct link on website
Exclusive invite to all preview parties
6 tickets to all productions (24 in total)
Exclusive opportunity
Half page ad in all playbills
Front page billing on playbill as presenting sponsor of selected show
Mention in curtain speech of selected show
Social media post thanking you
4 tickets to all productions (16 in total)